Drug-Free Communities
At Somerset Public Health, we are working to reduce trauma and improve resilience in schools and communities. We focus on addressing the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, which are traumatic events that occur during childhood that can lead to poor health, lack of opportunity and and instability throughout his or her life time. Research has linked ACEs to an increased risk of developing substance use disorders, making the reduction in ACEs a key strategy in creating Drug Free Communities.
We support schools in developing a shared and deep understanding among staff of trauma’s impact on student success and life outcomes. We help educators recognize the importance of safety, trusting relationships, connection, belonging, adaptability, and working together as a school community.
We support school cultures that help strengthen student learning, foster a sense of belonging and provide a foundation for lifelong health.

We work within the community to build knowledge related to the intersection of trauma and poor life outcomes, including substance misuse.
We identify shared risk and protective factors and work within the community to make connections and share resources. We provide information through presentations on Adverse Childhood Experiences, documentary screenings and facilitated discussions.