Narcan is a medicine that can be used to reverse an overdose from opioids. 

If you need free Narcan, Narcan information or training, you can contact Betsy at (207) 858-8466, or Betsy will ask some questions about your needs, safety, and previous experience using Narcan. She will set up a time to meet with you at Somerset Public Health to provide a quick training and two kits of Narcan. 

 If you have never used Narcan before, you can take a virtual Narcan training.  The trainings are about an hour long, are easy and fun! Narcan trainings are held at different times each month to meet the needs of your work and life schedule. I will ask for an email address and send you a registration link. After the training, I will mail you two kits. You will also get a certificate of completion for taking the one-hour virtual training.  Hope to hear from you soon!

Click Here to Sign Up

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