The emergency department (ED) at Redington-Fairview General Hospital (RFGH) provides 24-hour access to medication for withdrawal symptoms and overdose. The medical team will take your vital signs and perform a screening exam. Labs and a urine screen will be done. Medication Assisted Treatment, such as Suboxone, will be started for patients who are ready. Follow-up for additional treatment and dosing will be provided through the RFGHBridge Clinic.
Once treatment is started in the ED, the ED staff will refer you to the RFGH Bridge Clinic. When the Bridge Clinic is open during the ED visit, the patient will have an appointment scheduled at the Bridge before they leave the ED. When patients visit the ED after hours, the Bridge Clinic will call with a follow-up appointment. The Bridge Clinic provides a warm and caring place for people to start their journey toward recovery. Once you are stable in your recovery, you will be connected to a primary care provider to continue your treatment.
Access them today by going to the Emergency Department or calling (207) 474-6939 for an appointment.